
Who was Moe Comeau? Ask the volunteers of the Main Line Macintosh Users Group (MLMUG) or the Macworld User Group volunteers team and you will hear an incredible number of responses: past MLMUG president, founding member, recording secretary, webmaster, photographer, cook and reviewer; Macworld lounge host and show floor guide; Apple User Group Ambassador, teacher and columnist.

Ask the librarians, students, attendees and teachers helped by his computer literacy presentations, and you will hear what an entertaining speaker he was. Mulching trees or planting flowers at the Valley Forge National Historical Park? Yep, he did that as part of the Lockheed Martin employees’ NOVA program. Add in the many readers of his In Moe’s Humble Opinion (IMHO) columns and viewers of “Moe’s Tribute to Steve” and the words funny, smart and giving will surely come up as well.

Still, the word that comes most to mind is friend.

On Saturday, January 25, we lost that friend. Thanks for the many years of good cheer, tireless volunteering and friendship, Moe. You will be greatly missed.

The Apple User Group Advisory Board

Moe’s Curmudgeon Collection


Main Line Macintosh’s Tribute


(Moe’s photo taken from the MLMUG Website)