Need a presentation for your group’s next meeting? Ask your group’s ambassador about Apple Sales Training Online (ASTO). From prepackaged demos to Apple materials that you can use to create customized presentations, ASTO has it all.
For example, ASW offers many ready-to-go packages, including demos, presentation scripts and demo instructions. For new releases, they generally offer basic product tip sheets, demo ideas and presentations immediately after the product has been announced. On April 13, ASW added a ready-to-use presentation covering the new newest version of Final Cut Pro X (L519868A-en_US ) that can be paired with ASTO’s Final Cut Pro X Top Features – Demo Guide, for your group’s next meeting. A few days earlier ASW posted a presentation you can download covering the new MacBook (L539718A-en_US) if your group is interested in learning more about the MacBook. Want to cover in-depth technical information? There are technical training sections just waiting to be your group’s next meeting topic.
Ambassadors: April is a great month to check in with ASTO!