Changes are coming to TidBITS Publishing and Take Control Books. Joe Kissell, who has written more Take Control Books than any other author, has purchased Take Control Books with his wife Morgen Jahnke. Sellers Adam and Tonya Engst will be concentrating on their new TidBITS Content Network service, providing syndicated content to Apple consultants and resellers.
Joe has lots of things he wants to do with Take Control in the future, so you’ll see new books, new authors, and more after he gets past the initial work of the transition. And, he is open to ideas from readers. What won’t change is the guarantee of quality: practical, focused, and timely guidance from trusted and knowledgeable technical writers.
The Take Control model results in highly practical ebooks that cover much more detail than a magazine article but that are shorter, more focused, and more timely than a typical printed book. Better yet, they are author driven, bringing the best technical writers and the best ideas to press quickly and efficiently. Joe Kissell’s Take Control ebooks bring you savvy, real-world advice on how to get the most out of your Apple devices and software.
Each Take Control title is a true ebook, featuring a hot-linked table of contents and quick start, internal and Web links, and a layout that’s designed for a screen. Each ebook comes with an Ebook Extras link that gives you any free updates plus any format—PDF, EPUB, or Mobipocket.
So, the move includes keeping Take Control authors and editors, ensuring quality publications, and enhancing the reader experience. Lauri Reinhardt will continue to provide support.
Be sure to check out this month’s user group discounts for a generous offer from Joe Kissell and Take Control Books.
Learn more about the transition: