Did you know that Apple is already carbon neutral across their corporate operations and are on the way to making all Apple products carbon neutral products by 2030? You may think that you are aware of the many innovative products that came from Apple research, but did you know that Apple invented a line of disassembly robots (first Liam, now Daisy)? And, in 2022, Apple significantly expanded its use of key recycled metals. The results? Apple now sources over two-thirds of all aluminum, nearly three-quarters of all rare earths, and more than 95 percent of all tungsten in Apple products from 100 percent recycled material.
Better yet, this month Apple announced that they will use 100 percent recycled cobalt in batteries by 2025. From bringing 10GW of clean energy online in their manufacturing supply chain, to a 70% reduction in average product energy use since 2008, to 75% less single use packaging compared to 2015, to two times as much recycled tungsten, rare earth elements, and cobalt used in their products since 2021, Apple is committed to making the planet we live on a better and healthier place. Heck, they even make antenna lines from upcycled water bottles.
Apple has a rigorous program to ensure the safety of chemicals used in their products, and, because their aim is to make products using only renewable resources or recycled materials they prioritize, responsibly source, and recover materials.
Is your group committed to leaving the world better than you found it?
Check out the many documents covering the ways Apple is working to make a difference:
PS: Be sure to keep an eye out for the Apple Watch Earth Day Challenge on the 22nd and other activities 🙂