40 Years in 40 Seconds
A quick look at a wonderful journey: 40 Years in 40 Seconds
March’s Featured Vendor: VueScan from Hamrick Software
Hamrick Software was founded in 1991 by Ed Hamrick who wanted to find a way to produce better quality scans with his scanner. He found a great solution, initially helping over 100,000 users. With over 400,000 users and nineteen years of experience, VueScan is the world’s most widely used 3rd party scanning software. In fact, MacWorld UK nominated it for Best Imaging Software a few years back. A quick look at their reviews and testimonials lets you know that the product is something special. Better yet, VueScan now supports over 2,500 scanners.
Get a $10 (US) discount if you visit VueScan and purchase within 24 hours. Why not use VueScan as your group’s next meeting topic by using the resources below? Best of all, they have a special license offer for user groups worldwide – found in this month’s Leaders section. (more…)
Survey Thanks: The People Who Help Build Our Community
In a little over a two weeks Apple will have its 40th anniversary, and we asked each group who responded for the name of the member who had the longest continual membership in their club. The amazing thing is that many of the names offered were founding members who still retained membership, and many are well known in our community. These people are some of the folk at the heart of why we meet. Of course, there are many more who are not listed here.
Some groups started as computer groups, others formed when the first Apple started our story. Still others formed because of a perfect joining of technologies, such as creative pros at the Adobe Technology Exchange of Southern California who found that Adobe’s graphics products and Apple’s hardware and interface opened a new possibilities. Of course, new products brought new clubs, from Warren’s AppleWorks User Group, once over 15,000 members strong, to those Powerbooks, iMacs, iOS and everything in between.
Thank you to each of the people below for helping our community create something truly special. (more…)
User Group Survey: 30 – 40 Years of Delights and Surprises
In a little over a two weeks Apple will have its 40th anniversary. Whenever you stepped into the Apple stream, something amazing was happening. The survey found groups who were there from the start (sometimes a little before) and one group that had Andy Herzfeld and Woz as founding members! AUSOM noted that they currently have over 600 members: 62 members who have had continual membership since they joined in the 1980s. And 145 who joined in the 1990s.
Here are groups who have been meeting continuously for 30 to 40 years. Wow! (more…)
User Group Survey: 20 – 30 Years of Fun and Friendship
In a little over a two weeks Apple will have its 40th anniversary. Whenever you stepped into the Apple stream, something amazing was happening. An amazing variety of groups responded to our survey, from the Netherlands to Australia, and from folk who had been continuous members for more than 40 years to founders who started their groups 7 years ago.
Here are groups who have been meeting continuously for more than 20 years. Congrats! (more…)
User Group Survey: Up to 19 Years of Building Community
In a little over a two weeks Apple will have its 40th anniversary. Whenever you stepped into the Apple stream, something amazing was happening. The survey found groups who have been building community for up to 19 years, often based on new technologies and devices.
Here are groups who have been meeting continuously for up to 19 years.
Fun: Four Vintage Computer Festival Events
Have you attended a Vintage Computer Festival? Each Festival is family-friendly and offers a hands-on exhibition hall where you can see and try computers from the 1960s-1980s. Add in keynote lectures, technical classes, special attractions and each is an unforgettable experience.
From April 2016 through September 2016. there are four festivals planned. Is there one near you?
April 2-3, Atlanta region
VCF Southeast (more…)
February’s Featured Vendor: Flexibits
Michael Simmons and Kent Sutherland are the team who create Flexibits products, apps that are flexible and enjoyable. Their popular Fantastical 2 is a smart, convenient and flexible calendar that uses natural language processes for creating new calendars and provides a CalDAV engine for adding your iCloud, Google, and Yahoo calendars (and others). Their Chatology helps users find their chats instantly. What sets Flexibits apart? A major focus of Flexibits products is removing frustration, making users lives better and more productive.
Apple Anniversary: 40 Years of Delights and Surprises
In a little over a month Apple will have its 40th anniversary. You may be a long-time fan who remembers that first Apple I or even the Lisa. Perhaps your first Apple was a Mac Plus or an LC II. Whenever you stepped into the Apple stream, something amazing was happening. In 1976 the Apple II had color graphics and there was that marvelous VisiCalc. Later, the WYSIWYG interface opened up a new world for those of us enduring the challenges of DOS a command line interface. By 1985 you could combine the Apple LaserWriter with Adobe’s PageMaker and become a desktop publisher.
While the Macintosh Portable was more luggable than portable, those 1991 PowerBooks running System 7 were a joy. Over the years, your first PDA might have been a Newton, you might have photos from your first Apple Quick Take, or you may have even had a device that ran the PiPP!N platform, but when that first iMac DV and iMovie came along, it was amazing, letting home users record and edit video without the need of expensive video equipment and years of training. Logic, iDVD, Final Cut Pro, and GarageBand weren’t far behind and each gave creatives new ways to create. By 2001 we had iTunes, Apple Stores and iPods; it is hard to remember how revolutionary the iPod was in a world of boom boxes and cassette players now that the world uses iTunes for everything from music releases to podcasts to iOS apps and everything in between. In 2008? we met the iPhone and haven’t looked back. What about 2010? We got the iPad, and Apple just kept on inventing. Today we have the Apple Watch and entire feature movies filmed on iPhones. (more…)