AWUGU: Vendor Meeting Report

Our third Apple World User Group University online gathering of Apple user group leaders was held at 8:00pm CST, on June 15, 2020, via Zoom. We had 28 participants who joined for the topic of “Vendor Offers and Presentations”. The 93-minute video can be viewed at: (unlisted YouTube).

This session opened with my welcome, Zoom instructions, and a 10-minute presentation about “Vendor Offers” where I presented the most recent Apple User Group Bulletin and website illustrations about current and ongoing offers ( There were several questions about how to find and improve vendor response to discount requests.


Apple World User Group University: First Meeting Report

by Tom Piper, AWUGU Coordinator

Our kickoff AWUGU online gathering of Apple user group leaders was held at 8:00pm CST, on April 20, 2020, via the Cisco Webex Meeting app. We had 25 participants who joined for the topic of “Online User Group Meetings”. The full hour and a half video can be viewed at: (get  password from AUGAB Bulletin or AUG-D). (more…)