apple user groups
The number of Apple User Groups worldwide is amazing, especially considering that many groups have been in existence for decades. Still, as new groups form, some groups cease to exist, often because key members retire or membership numbers drop. This article offers the the quick and simple, step-by-step process for delisting a group with the User Group Locator and the User Group Program.
- Check with your group’s board and officers to make sure that the group wants to be delisted. This can prevent hard feelings or misunderstandings.
- Open a ticket for the Apple User Group Support Team at Apple User Group Leader Support
- In your ticket, list the name of the group, your name and email address, and put disbanding or delisting in the subject area. In the text box simply state that your group is disbanding.
- The support team will contact all three of your group’s listed contacts to ensure that they are in agreement with delisting the group.
- Your group will be delisted in the Locator and in the User Group Program database with a note in the file that the team requested and contacts agreed. Your group can, of course, re-list at any time.
Questions? Check out the User Group Leader Support page at