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User Group News Bulletin

News to Use: “How To” Offers Help

Group officers face similar challenges and often come up with elegant answers. Wouldn’t it be great to have these group’s collective wisdom just a few clicks away? Starting in July, we added a new feature called How To, composed of articles offering guidance for some of the processes we all face. The first in the series was How To: Presenting iOS at User Group Meetings.

Have a How To that could help other groups? Want to suggest a topic that needs coverage? Let us know at

How To: Presenting iOS at User Group Meetings

News to Use: ASW and ASTO for Ambassadors

Need a quick presentation for your group’s meeting? Apple Sales Web (ASW) offers your group’s ambassador downloadable presentations and fact sheets that your group can use. The topics range from applications such as the new iOS to hardware such as the newest iPhones to topics that include Apple and the Environment. Click on the Presentations tab at the top of your ASW screen and you are sure to find a presentation to fit your group’s interests.

Accounts are limited to one ambassador per recognized Apple user group.

Apple Sales Web:

Remembering a Friend: Moe Comeau


Who was Moe Comeau? Ask the volunteers of the Main Line Macintosh Users Group (MLMUG) or the Macworld User Group volunteers team and you will hear an incredible number of responses: past MLMUG president, founding member, recording secretary, webmaster, photographer, cook and reviewer; Macworld lounge host and show floor guide; Apple User Group Ambassador, teacher and columnist.

Ask the librarians, students, attendees and teachers helped by his computer literacy presentations, and you will hear what an entertaining speaker he was. Mulching trees or planting flowers at the Valley Forge National Historical Park? Yep, he did that as part of the Lockheed Martin employees’ NOVA program. Add in the many readers of his In Moe’s Humble Opinion (IMHO) columns and viewers of “Moe’s Tribute to Steve” and the words funny, smart and giving will surely come up as well.

Still, the word that comes most to mind is friend.

On Saturday, January 25, we lost that friend. Thanks for the many years of good cheer, tireless volunteering and friendship, Moe. You will be greatly missed.

The Apple User Group Advisory Board

Moe’s Curmudgeon Collection

Main Line Macintosh’s Tribute

(Moe’s photo taken from the MLMUG Website)

Macintosh 30th: The Poster Project

In honor of the original Macintosh Development Team, All Planet Studios, the Computer History Museum and Macworld/iWorld announce a celebration of the 30 year anniversary of the Macintosh, held on January 25 at the Flint Center in Cupertino, CA.

Ilene Hoffman reminds the community that community members should send photos and testimonials as part of the accompanying Poster Project – the project provides fans with a chance to be a part of the event, even if they cannot be there!

Want to learn more about the celebration?

(Thanks to Ilene Hoffman, long-time editor of the Macworld Party Page, for this tip.)

Pyers Presents: Working with Presenters

It can be hard for groups to get presentations for meetings. And, if a presenter takes the time and trouble to visit your group, will he or she want to come back? A reader recently sent in a tip about a series that covers everything from inviting a presenter to how to handle activity on the night of a presentation. Provided by Nicholas Pyers’ the series has been around for a while but is well worth revisiting.

Approaching Potential Presenters

Confirming Presenters

Working with Presenters on “The Night”


HAAUG Heaven: Semi-Annual Swap Meet

The Houston Area Apple Users Group’s (HAAUG) semi-annual Swap Meet is the place to find gently used tech bargains that will delight both novices and tech savvy users! January 18, 2014, Bellaire Civic Center in Bellaire, Texas: Be there or be square.

Learn more.

(Thanks to Apple User Group Regional Liaison and HAAUG past president Doug Smith for this tip!)


The Northwest of Us: iMovie 10 Workshop

The Northwest of Us User Group (NWOU) regularly holds special one-day workshops on topics of interest to their members and their community. On January 18, 2014, the next hands-on workshop will cover iMovie 10, with presenter Phil Brooks.

Learn more.

Sign up.


Promo video.

Tom Piper: Thanks for Great Offers and Greater Memories

On April 15, 2004, eight years and eight months ago, Tom Piper took over responsibility for all vendor offers published in the Apple User Group Bulletin, later providing all of the offers that ran on the Apple User Group Resources Blog.

Tom had been busy in the user group community for many years prior to wearing the Vendor Wizard hat: he founded appleJAC MUG in 1984 and served as its president for well over 20 years. He had been appointed as one of the Apple User Group Program’s Regional Liaisons in 2003, and later served as Advisory Board Chair for two years. During those 8.6 Vendor Wizard years, Tom was responsible for providing the raffle items enjoyed at UGU, UGLC, the User Group Ice Cream Social and more, all for user group attendees at Macworld.

In November, Tom stepped down from his vendor responsibilities, focusing on new Advisory Board projects.

Thanks for many, many years of wonderful offers and even better memories, Tom!

tom From your colleagues on the User Group Advisory Board, Apple’s User Group Program and members of the user group community.

MacinTech: Focus on Apple’s Assistive Technologies

On January 14, officers and members of Denver’s MacinTech Computer Users Group will host a special program with a focus on Apple’s assistive technologies. Presenters will include Dan Burke, from the Colorado Center for the Blind, and a representative from AbleLink Technologies, speaking about AbleLink’s programs to help the learning disabled navigate mass transit. Most Apple users know that Macs are designed for universal access, with dozens of assistive technologies built in. Still, those dozens are just the start of the many ways that a Mac can provide access solutions.

Visit MacinTech.

(Thanks to Andy Suhaka, MacinTech Treasurer, for this great tip!)

Santa Fe Macintosh User Group: 20 Years of Memories

The Santa Fe Macintosh User Group, co-founded by John Tollit, Dave Rohr and Robin Williams, will be holding a special meeting in March of 2014, celebrating 20 years of User Group community. Officers and members are putting together a special presentation for that meeting and are interested in any mementos that folk might have. Do you have photos or other memories from their early days? If so, contribute to the celebration by sending them to webmaster – at –

Here’s a brief history by John Tollit of the founding of the SFMUG.

Visit the group’s home page.

FileMaker 13: Wow!

For over 28 years, FileMaker has given us the tools we need to efficiently store, manage, retrieve, and analyze data. With the new FileMaker 13 platform, FileMaker provides an elegant solution to the challenge of providing access in a connected world. Simply put, data is far less useful when it is hard to access. FileMaker Web Direct, new in FileMaker 13, offers database access via the end user’s HTML5 compliant browser and administrative control via an HML5 console – no web development skills or coding required. In addition to the custom themes, built-in themes and starter solutions found in the previous version, FM13 offers styles, a way to provide a consistent look and feel: change a style and the change is instantly reflected across all content.

Secure? AES 256-bit encryption is paired with a new visual encryption state indicator, showing when a connection is validated by a third-party certificate and indicating when a connection is secure. Better yet, the platform provides excellent cross-platform functionality, iOS script steps, Script Triggers and functions designed specifically for iPhone and iPad, features to support iOS solution creation and the same ease-of-use and strong support for industry standards that has been a hallmark of the software for the past 28 years.

Users can purchase FileMaker 13 as a subscription, priced from $9.00 (US) to $ 29.00 (US) per month, or a standard software license or server connection package with pricing based on level and version. FileMaker Go for iOS is available from ITunes as a free app. (… And did I mention that there are over 50 other new features?)

Check it out!

Sandy F.

Naples MacFriends User Group: Video as Service to the Community

It can be hard to make every meeting and sometimes the best meetings are the ones we miss. George Rubin, V.P. of the Naples MacFriends User Group has a solution that benefits both his own group and other interested groups as well: he records each group meeting and posts it on YouTube.

Want to see Derrick Story’s iPhoto and Aperture preso., Jason Snell’s discussion of OS X Mavericks, Joe Kissell’s take on passwords, learn more about 1Password Presentation or catch Adam Engst’s guidance on current technology? They are all on YouTube courtesy of George and the group. What a neat idea!

President Jerry King provided a link to the full set of videos on offer.

Learn about Naples MacFriends.

Here are some links to individual past presentations.

Enjoy Derrick Story’s October 30th remote presentation on iPhoto and Aperature.

Watch Jason Snell’s September 18th. remote presentation on OSX Mavericks.


(Thanks to Nicholas Pyers, Founder & Publisher at, and V.P. George Rubin for this tip!)


Philadelphia Area AppleScript UG: Ben Waldie’s Newest Macworld Column

User group members know that Ben Waldie wears many hats: president of Automated Workflows, LLC, a company offering AppleScript and workflow automation consulting services to Mac-based businesses, founder of the Philadelphia Area AppleScript User’s Group, Macworld and UGU presenter, host of the Mac Automation Made Simple video training series and author of many popular books.

Did you know that he also provides a wonderful service to Mac users worldwide: a scripting column for Macworld. His current column looks at the state of scripting on the Mac in light of current software releases.

Check out Ben’s November 6 column.

Visit Automated WorkFlows LLC

Fun Memories: Apple DOS Source Code at the Computer History Museum

Lynn Wegley, one half of the team that writes the popular InfoManager Newsletter and long time User Group volunteer, recently posted a link to a great article on the history of Apple DOS, a complete operating system written in seven (yep, only seven) weeks that changed the face of computing. Better yet, Apple gave the Computer History Museum permission to publish that first system’s source code and accompanying documentation as part of the museum’s Software Gems: The Computer History Museum Historical Source Code series. What were you doing in 1978? Apple was bringing their first mass-market computer to a lucky few. What would they think if they could see today’s products?

Read the article.

Check out InfoManager, co-edited by Lynn Wegley and founder Fred Showker.

 (Thanks for the fun link Lynn!)

Apple User Group Taiwan Taipei: Nokimi Presents Xiaoping Guo Lecture

The officers and members of AppleUser of Taipei, Taiwan, enjoyed a special event on October 18, when WearApps products were featured in a presentation and educational session by founder and developer Nokimi, author of the popular Instacram app. The group learned developer secrets to iOS success and enjoyed a day together.

Learn about AppleUser (The site provides some great pictures of the group as well).

Visit AppleUser on Facebook.

See pictures from Nokimi’s Presentation at the Xiaoping Guo Lecture event.

(Special thanks to Editor Andre Lin for this great tip!)


Apple Corps of Dallas: 35 Years of Excellence

At the 400th meeting of the Apple Corps of Dallas (ACD), a founding member, Ray Thompson, presented a wonderful look at 33 years of computing. Now the group has reached its 35th year and is going strong, with meeting attendance running around 70 attendees. At their December meeting ACD will be honoring some of the group’s founding members and those who have contributed so much to the group’s success. How many groups can say that they still keep in touch with four or more of their founders?

Still, the group is as involved with current trends in technology as they are proud of their history. In fact, their web pages reflect a certain OS we know and love.

Dallas Apple Corps Today:

Ray Thompson’s Presentation Link:

(Thanks to Apple User Group Ambassador Walt Smith for this great news!)

Apple Core of Siouxland: Apple Products Review and Party

On November 19th the officers and members of the Apple Core of Siouxland will host their annual Apple Products Review and Christmas Party Potluck. Members bring in their own new Apple products for hands-on and demonstration, followed by a community potluck. Interestingly, along with their annual Apple Product Review, the group has instituted iPad nights to share ideas and tips.

Apple Core of Siouxland, with meeting attendees from South Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota and Nebraska.

(Thanks to Apple User Group Ambassador Joe Colby for this tip!)

IMUG: An International Emphasis

In the fall of 1987, Yuan Ho and Seth Schneider met in a local Palo Alto, CA, Apple Computer dealer store, starting with shared interests in Macintosh computers, international topics and translation, and later obtaining sponsorship from Standford University to start the Stanford Macintosh User Group International Special Interest Group.

Over time members changed and the group’s name changed too, but the group’s international focus stayed the same. A love of Apple products stayed the same as well. This month’s meeting, on October 17 at the Google campus, is titled Cloud-based Translation Management Systems for Start-Up LSPs and Freelancer Groups, showing both their tradition of attention to current technologies and their reliance on the group’s roots. Congrats to the International Multilingual User Group (IMUG) for 26 years of computing!

Check them out.

Visit their archives, showing a bit of the group’s past.


ACPPUG: Southeast Creative Summit

From Friday, October 25, through Sunday, October 27, the officers and members of the Atlanta Cutters Post Production User Group will host their first Southeast Creative Summit. The group is looking to fill an interesting need: while many user groups focus on the software and hardware that makes digital interactions fascinating and sometimes profitable, an equally important focus is on the how-to instructions that can make a difference between an office filled with impressive products and an office that produces amazing work across applications using those products.

Sessions will include Color Grading, 4k, VFX, Sound, Business, Photography, Music, Producing, Film making, Aerial Photography, Audio Post, High Frame Rate Acquisition, Social Media and more. Better yet, the presenter list is amazing.

Attend and Learn.

Visit the Atlanta Cutters Post Production User Group.

(Thanks to Claudia Crask and the SF Cutters group for this great tip!)




User Group News Bulletin

News to Use: “How To” Offers Help

Group officers face similar challenges and often come up with elegant answers. Wouldn’t it be great to have these group’s collective wisdom just a few clicks away? Starting in July, we added a new feature called How To, composed of articles offering guidance for some of the processes we all face. The first in the series was How To: Presenting iOS at User Group Meetings.

Have a How To that could help other groups? Want to suggest a topic that needs coverage? Let us know at

How To: Presenting iOS at User Group Meetings

News to Use: ASW and ASTO for Ambassadors

Need a quick presentation for your group’s meeting? Apple Sales Web (ASW) offers your group’s ambassador downloadable presentations and fact sheets that your group can use. The topics range from applications such as the new iOS to hardware such as the newest iPhones to topics that include Apple and the Environment. Click on the Presentations tab at the top of your ASW screen and you are sure to find a presentation to fit your group’s interests.

Accounts are limited to one ambassador per recognized Apple user group.

Apple Sales Web:

Remembering a Friend: Moe Comeau


Who was Moe Comeau? Ask the volunteers of the Main Line Macintosh Users Group (MLMUG) or the Macworld User Group volunteers team and you will hear an incredible number of responses: past MLMUG president, founding member, recording secretary, webmaster, photographer, cook and reviewer; Macworld lounge host and show floor guide; Apple User Group Ambassador, teacher and columnist.

Ask the librarians, students, attendees and teachers helped by his computer literacy presentations, and you will hear what an entertaining speaker he was. Mulching trees or planting flowers at the Valley Forge National Historical Park? Yep, he did that as part of the Lockheed Martin employees’ NOVA program. Add in the many readers of his In Moe’s Humble Opinion (IMHO) columns and viewers of “Moe’s Tribute to Steve” and the words funny, smart and giving will surely come up as well.

Still, the word that comes most to mind is friend.

On Saturday, January 25, we lost that friend. Thanks for the many years of good cheer, tireless volunteering and friendship, Moe. You will be greatly missed.

The Apple User Group Advisory Board

Moe’s Curmudgeon Collection

Main Line Macintosh’s Tribute

(Moe’s photo taken from the MLMUG Website)

Macintosh 30th: The Poster Project

In honor of the original Macintosh Development Team, All Planet Studios, the Computer History Museum and Macworld/iWorld announce a celebration of the 30 year anniversary of the Macintosh, held on January 25 at the Flint Center in Cupertino, CA.

Ilene Hoffman reminds the community that community members should send photos and testimonials as part of the accompanying Poster Project – the project provides fans with a chance to be a part of the event, even if they cannot be there!

Want to learn more about the celebration?

(Thanks to Ilene Hoffman, long-time editor of the Macworld Party Page, for this tip.)

Pyers Presents: Working with Presenters

It can be hard for groups to get presentations for meetings. And, if a presenter takes the time and trouble to visit your group, will he or she want to come back? A reader recently sent in a tip about a series that covers everything from inviting a presenter to how to handle activity on the night of a presentation. Provided by Nicholas Pyers’ the series has been around for a while but is well worth revisiting.

Approaching Potential Presenters

Confirming Presenters

Working with Presenters on “The Night”


HAAUG Heaven: Semi-Annual Swap Meet

The Houston Area Apple Users Group’s (HAAUG) semi-annual Swap Meet is the place to find gently used tech bargains that will delight both novices and tech savvy users! January 18, 2014, Bellaire Civic Center in Bellaire, Texas: Be there or be square.

Learn more.

(Thanks to Apple User Group Regional Liaison and HAAUG past president Doug Smith for this tip!)


The Northwest of Us: iMovie 10 Workshop

The Northwest of Us User Group (NWOU) regularly holds special one-day workshops on topics of interest to their members and their community. On January 18, 2014, the next hands-on workshop will cover iMovie 10, with presenter Phil Brooks.

Learn more.

Sign up.


Promo video.

Tom Piper: Thanks for Great Offers and Greater Memories

On April 15, 2004, eight years and eight months ago, Tom Piper took over responsibility for all vendor offers published in the Apple User Group Bulletin, later providing all of the offers that ran on the Apple User Group Resources Blog.

Tom had been busy in the user group community for many years prior to wearing the Vendor Wizard hat: he founded appleJAC MUG in 1984 and served as its president for well over 20 years. He had been appointed as one of the Apple User Group Program’s Regional Liaisons in 2003, and later served as Advisory Board Chair for two years. During those 8.6 Vendor Wizard years, Tom was responsible for providing the raffle items enjoyed at UGU, UGLC, the User Group Ice Cream Social and more, all for user group attendees at Macworld.

In November, Tom stepped down from his vendor responsibilities, focusing on new Advisory Board projects.

Thanks for many, many years of wonderful offers and even better memories, Tom!

tom From your colleagues on the User Group Advisory Board, Apple’s User Group Program and members of the user group community.

MacinTech: Focus on Apple’s Assistive Technologies

On January 14, officers and members of Denver’s MacinTech Computer Users Group will host a special program with a focus on Apple’s assistive technologies. Presenters will include Dan Burke, from the Colorado Center for the Blind, and a representative from AbleLink Technologies, speaking about AbleLink’s programs to help the learning disabled navigate mass transit. Most Apple users know that Macs are designed for universal access, with dozens of assistive technologies built in. Still, those dozens are just the start of the many ways that a Mac can provide access solutions.

Visit MacinTech.

(Thanks to Andy Suhaka, MacinTech Treasurer, for this great tip!)

Santa Fe Macintosh User Group: 20 Years of Memories

The Santa Fe Macintosh User Group, co-founded by John Tollit, Dave Rohr and Robin Williams, will be holding a special meeting in March of 2014, celebrating 20 years of User Group community. Officers and members are putting together a special presentation for that meeting and are interested in any mementos that folk might have. Do you have photos or other memories from their early days? If so, contribute to the celebration by sending them to webmaster – at –

Here’s a brief history by John Tollit of the founding of the SFMUG.

Visit the group’s home page.

FileMaker 13: Wow!

For over 28 years, FileMaker has given us the tools we need to efficiently store, manage, retrieve, and analyze data. With the new FileMaker 13 platform, FileMaker provides an elegant solution to the challenge of providing access in a connected world. Simply put, data is far less useful when it is hard to access. FileMaker Web Direct, new in FileMaker 13, offers database access via the end user’s HTML5 compliant browser and administrative control via an HML5 console – no web development skills or coding required. In addition to the custom themes, built-in themes and starter solutions found in the previous version, FM13 offers styles, a way to provide a consistent look and feel: change a style and the change is instantly reflected across all content.

Secure? AES 256-bit encryption is paired with a new visual encryption state indicator, showing when a connection is validated by a third-party certificate and indicating when a connection is secure. Better yet, the platform provides excellent cross-platform functionality, iOS script steps, Script Triggers and functions designed specifically for iPhone and iPad, features to support iOS solution creation and the same ease-of-use and strong support for industry standards that has been a hallmark of the software for the past 28 years.

Users can purchase FileMaker 13 as a subscription, priced from $9.00 (US) to $ 29.00 (US) per month, or a standard software license or server connection package with pricing based on level and version. FileMaker Go for iOS is available from ITunes as a free app. (… And did I mention that there are over 50 other new features?)

Check it out!

Sandy F.

Naples MacFriends User Group: Video as Service to the Community

It can be hard to make every meeting and sometimes the best meetings are the ones we miss. George Rubin, V.P. of the Naples MacFriends User Group has a solution that benefits both his own group and other interested groups as well: he records each group meeting and posts it on YouTube.

Want to see Derrick Story’s iPhoto and Aperture preso., Jason Snell’s discussion of OS X Mavericks, Joe Kissell’s take on passwords, learn more about 1Password Presentation or catch Adam Engst’s guidance on current technology? They are all on YouTube courtesy of George and the group. What a neat idea!

President Jerry King provided a link to the full set of videos on offer.

Learn about Naples MacFriends.

Here are some links to individual past presentations.

Enjoy Derrick Story’s October 30th remote presentation on iPhoto and Aperature.

Watch Jason Snell’s September 18th. remote presentation on OSX Mavericks.


(Thanks to Nicholas Pyers, Founder & Publisher at, and V.P. George Rubin for this tip!)


Philadelphia Area AppleScript UG: Ben Waldie’s Newest Macworld Column

User group members know that Ben Waldie wears many hats: president of Automated Workflows, LLC, a company offering AppleScript and workflow automation consulting services to Mac-based businesses, founder of the Philadelphia Area AppleScript User’s Group, Macworld and UGU presenter, host of the Mac Automation Made Simple video training series and author of many popular books.

Did you know that he also provides a wonderful service to Mac users worldwide: a scripting column for Macworld. His current column looks at the state of scripting on the Mac in light of current software releases.

Check out Ben’s November 6 column.

Visit Automated WorkFlows LLC

Fun Memories: Apple DOS Source Code at the Computer History Museum

Lynn Wegley, one half of the team that writes the popular InfoManager Newsletter and long time User Group volunteer, recently posted a link to a great article on the history of Apple DOS, a complete operating system written in seven (yep, only seven) weeks that changed the face of computing. Better yet, Apple gave the Computer History Museum permission to publish that first system’s source code and accompanying documentation as part of the museum’s Software Gems: The Computer History Museum Historical Source Code series. What were you doing in 1978? Apple was bringing their first mass-market computer to a lucky few. What would they think if they could see today’s products?

Read the article.

Check out InfoManager, co-edited by Lynn Wegley and founder Fred Showker.

 (Thanks for the fun link Lynn!)

Apple User Group Taiwan Taipei: Nokimi Presents Xiaoping Guo Lecture

The officers and members of AppleUser of Taipei, Taiwan, enjoyed a special event on October 18, when WearApps products were featured in a presentation and educational session by founder and developer Nokimi, author of the popular Instacram app. The group learned developer secrets to iOS success and enjoyed a day together.

Learn about AppleUser (The site provides some great pictures of the group as well).

Visit AppleUser on Facebook.

See pictures from Nokimi’s Presentation at the Xiaoping Guo Lecture event.

(Special thanks to Editor Andre Lin for this great tip!)


Apple Corps of Dallas: 35 Years of Excellence

At the 400th meeting of the Apple Corps of Dallas (ACD), a founding member, Ray Thompson, presented a wonderful look at 33 years of computing. Now the group has reached its 35th year and is going strong, with meeting attendance running around 70 attendees. At their December meeting ACD will be honoring some of the group’s founding members and those who have contributed so much to the group’s success. How many groups can say that they still keep in touch with four or more of their founders?

Still, the group is as involved with current trends in technology as they are proud of their history. In fact, their web pages reflect a certain OS we know and love.

Dallas Apple Corps Today:

Ray Thompson’s Presentation Link:

(Thanks to Apple User Group Ambassador Walt Smith for this great news!)

Apple Core of Siouxland: Apple Products Review and Party

On November 19th the officers and members of the Apple Core of Siouxland will host their annual Apple Products Review and Christmas Party Potluck. Members bring in their own new Apple products for hands-on and demonstration, followed by a community potluck. Interestingly, along with their annual Apple Product Review, the group has instituted iPad nights to share ideas and tips.

Apple Core of Siouxland, with meeting attendees from South Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota and Nebraska.

(Thanks to Apple User Group Ambassador Joe Colby for this tip!)

IMUG: An International Emphasis

In the fall of 1987, Yuan Ho and Seth Schneider met in a local Palo Alto, CA, Apple Computer dealer store, starting with shared interests in Macintosh computers, international topics and translation, and later obtaining sponsorship from Standford University to start the Stanford Macintosh User Group International Special Interest Group.

Over time members changed and the group’s name changed too, but the group’s international focus stayed the same. A love of Apple products stayed the same as well. This month’s meeting, on October 17 at the Google campus, is titled Cloud-based Translation Management Systems for Start-Up LSPs and Freelancer Groups, showing both their tradition of attention to current technologies and their reliance on the group’s roots. Congrats to the International Multilingual User Group (IMUG) for 26 years of computing!

Check them out.

Visit their archives, showing a bit of the group’s past.


ACPPUG: Southeast Creative Summit

From Friday, October 25, through Sunday, October 27, the officers and members of the Atlanta Cutters Post Production User Group will host their first Southeast Creative Summit. The group is looking to fill an interesting need: while many user groups focus on the software and hardware that makes digital interactions fascinating and sometimes profitable, an equally important focus is on the how-to instructions that can make a difference between an office filled with impressive products and an office that produces amazing work across applications using those products.

Sessions will include Color Grading, 4k, VFX, Sound, Business, Photography, Music, Producing, Film making, Aerial Photography, Audio Post, High Frame Rate Acquisition, Social Media and more. Better yet, the presenter list is amazing.

Attend and Learn.

Visit the Atlanta Cutters Post Production User Group.

(Thanks to Claudia Crask and the SF Cutters group for this great tip!)




User Group Archives