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User Group Archives

User Group News Bulletin

TCF: Trenton’s 37th Annual Computer Festival

User group members are invited to the 37th annual Trenton Computer Festival (TCF), the oldest computer festival in the world, scheduled for March 12, 2012, at The College of New Jersey in Ewing, New Jersey.

TCF is not just another computer show. It was started by (and is still run by) computer hobbyist volunteers as a non-profit educational event. Attendees can enjoy workshops, the ever-popular flea market, commercial exhibits, opportunities to meet and socialize,  special exhibits, contests and more.

Check it out!

NCMUG: Hosts Chris Breen

On February 21 members and officers of the North Coast Mac Users Group (NCMUG) will host Macworld senior editor Chris Breen, who will be offering a wrap up of Macworld 2012 and more. In addition to his Macworld work, Breen is the author of The iPhone Pocket Guide, 6th edition and a popular instructor for This is one meeting you won’t want to miss!

Be there.

BOSCPUG: Visual Storytelling with Vincent LaForet

Vincent LaForet, Pulitzer Prize-winning Photographer, three time winner at the Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival, DGA director, and one of American Photo‘s “100 Most Influential People in Photography,”  will screen and discuss his work during the Boston Creative Pro User Group’s (BOSCPUG) meeting on February 23, at Emerson College’s Paramount Center. Join them for the social networking hour at Salvatore’s then be part of the audience and learn from the best.

Check it out.

Ilene Hoffman Presents: Hess Memorial Macworld Events List 2012

Boston, MA. 1/23/12 — Ilene Hoffman, Macintosh Consultant and writer, announces the new incomparable and unique 2012 Hess Memorial Macworld-iWorld Events List. Whether you plan to attend the show or not, there’s something on the list for you! Attendees should check the page daily for new listings, so that you don’t miss a thing.

In its sixteenth year of publication, the Hess Memorial Macworld Events List is the only source for all events and press functions held during the 2012 Macworld|iWorld week, Jan. 26 – 28. The list highlights all the events you probably did not know were happening at the show. Don’t feel left out just because you’re not in San Francisco, check the list for related Internet events, webinars, and podcasts too!

Please let me know about your events at Macworld|iWorld 2012.
Companies and individuals are encouraged to send new listings now for the Hess Events List from the links on the page. Attendees need to get a head start on the best places to visit at the show.

Special booth goodies and giveaways are welcome on the page too. If you are an exhibitor with special booth events, please submit them to me for the Hess Events List. Make sure the show attendees know what’s happening at your booth! Limited banner advertising space for companies is available also.

Mac User Support
The page is supported primarily by user contributions. Please help if you can. Any amount is welcome.

Special thanks go out to Bare Bones Software, Marketcircle Inc, The Omni Group, and iGame Radio for supporting the list this year. Please show your support by clicking on their banners!

Links You Need
Hess Memorial Macworld Events List:

Find ilene’s news, reviews, and support for all Apple related products on her new blog:

The author, Ilene Hoffman, MS took over the events list when the original author, Robert Hess of MacWeek magazine, passed away in 1996. It is a memorial and tribute to his hard work in the Macintosh community.

Ilene provides marketing, writing, and PR support to Apple-involved companies and Web sites.
These pages are made possible by ilene’s dancing fingers and your generous support.

Ilene’s Machine activities are not formerly affiliated with IDG World Expo, Macworld magazine, Apple, or any other corporate business entity.

AUSOM: Photo Challenges Make Fun Puzzles

The Apple User’s Society of Melbourne (AUSOM) has a clever challenge for members of their Photoshop special interest group (SIG): take a provided photo and modify it to provided specifications. For example, the February 2012 challenge provides a black-and-white photo, where the only available information is that the vests worn were red, buttons were brass and the baton was red and gold. The task? Tint the photo correctly while retaining the details in the original. By February 4 members will send in possible solutions and the group’s next meeting will look at the answers on offer. What fun!

Visit AUSOM today.

Upper Keys MUG: Perfect Timing

One of the best presents under a Christmas tree is a new or upgraded Mac. Once unwrapped, the next step is to learn the basics, and that is one area where the Upper Keys Macintosh User Group (UKMUG) shines. Their January 12 meeting is titled Macintosh 101, an introduction for beginners and new owners. Better yet, the meeting is free and open to the public. What a great service to the community!

Learn about the Upper Keys Macintosh User Group.

(Thanks to Apple Ambassador Sue Beal for her excellent and informative news releases!)

MLMUG: Special Aperture Presentation

On January 14 the members of the Main Line Mac Users Group (MLMUG) will host Steve Zalot, Senior Systems Engineer with Apple Inc., who will show users some of the wonderful things that this affordable and powerful photo editing software can offer for hobbyists and professional photographers. Can’t attend until February? User group favorite AppleScript guru Ben Waldie of Automated Workflows will be the featured speaker.

Visit the MLMUG website for directions and meeting schedule.

Automated Workflows

(Thanks to long-time Apple User Group Regional Liaison and MLMUG Program Director Maria Arguello for this tip!)

BOSCPUG: Berube Receives Imaginnaire Award

Claudia Crask of SF Cutters reports that Dan Berube of the Boston Creative Pro User Group (BOSCPUG) and Final Cut Pro User Group Network (FCPUG Network) is one of five individuals who have been recognized for excellence in New England’s film and television production industry.  Congrats to Dan for this well-merited recognition.



SF Cutters

(Thanks to Claudia Crask of SF Cutters for this tip!)

Digital CONNtent Creators: Editor’s Retreat 2012

In 2003 Keith Larson and a team of Final Cut Pro users started the Connecticut Final Cut Pro User Group. They have come a long way in the past 9 years, seeing their name change, membership expand to more than 500 members and focus widen. Now they are called Digital CONNtent Creators, with a mission of building connections between editors, motion graphics artists, independent filmmakers, students and video professionals who embrace the digital desktop media revolution. What’s’ next? February 2012 will bring Editor’s Retreat 2012, a five-day summit in Austin, Texas, with a cross section of educational sessions and presentations designed for production professionals. Better yet, members receive a substantive discount.

Watch them grow.

SF Cutters: FCP Network’s SuperMeet San Francisco Returns

If you have been to a SuperMeet, you already know the excitement, information, networking and incredibly-generous raffles, that have made each SuperMeet a can’t-miss event. If you are in film, video, motion graphics, editing or related industries, you need to network and learn at the eleventh annual San Francisco SuperMeet. With displays from 35 vendors at the Digital Showcase and their special open theater,  you can learn from the best and showcase what you do.

January 27 at the Robertson Auditorium: Be there.


Mountain View: Mac Tip Fest Meeting Idea

For the December 3 Mac SIG meeting of Arizona’s  Mountain View Computer Users Group they featured a Tip Fest: more than 64 useful tips shared by members for members. What a wonderful way to offer ideas across multiple applications and categories. This is a meeting idea that can provide information of value to every member, from power user to newbie.


Mountain View Facebook page:


Learn About Social Media: CDPUG and NCMUG

Social media is everywhere and keeping up with the news can be a challenge. On December 26, 2011, Stuart Smith, Website Director for Notre Dame College, and Dan Yurman, a marketing and communications specialist, of the Cleveland Digital Publishing User Group will offer an overview of all things Twitter, from use to measurement of influence and much more. Do you know who you are reaching or how the matrix of feed types can affect your message?

On January 17, 2012, the North Coast Mac Users Group will host Kerry Rego of Kerry Rego Consulting. Kerry will offer guidance on the basic uses of social media, tools currently in use and ones on the horizon that may be the “disruptors” that change the way we interact.

See what these members are learning.


Cleveland Digital Publishing User Group


Final Cut Pro Network: SuperMeet San Francisco

The Final Cut Pro Network, including SF Cutters, Lafcpug, BOSFCPUG and other FCPUG and digital video user groups around the globe, invites creatives, collaborative editors, HDSLR fimmakers, digital content creators and their associates to enjoy cocktails, networking and more with industry peers while learning about the latest trends in collaborative editing workflows! What? The eleventh annual San Francisco Super Meet. Where? Robertson Auditorium – 1675 Owens Street – San Francisco. When? – Friday, January 27, 2012 (Doors open 3:00PM for SuperMeet Digital Showcase featuring 35 vendors and Open Screen Theater).

Be there.


Boston Final Cut Pro User Group

Los Angeles Final Cut Pro User Group

CapMac: Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus on the State of the Mac

On December 13 Austin’s Capitol Mac (CapMac) hosted Bob LeVitus as he delivered his popular “State of the Mac” address.  Bob Levitus, better known as “Dr. Mac,” is one of the top-selling authors of Mac and Apple books on the planet. Funny, smart, honest and incredibly down-to-earth (and a wonderful musician as well), Bob is one of the true gems of the user group community.

What fun!

NCMUG Video SIG: A Tribute to Steve

Jon Jones, North Coast Mac Users Group (NCMUG) Board member and Video SIG leader, put together a short tribute video for the NCMUG Video SIG’s YouTube channel. Jon used clips from notable product unveilings by Steve Jobs, set to the Vangelis music used by Mr. Jobs for the introduction of the original Macintosh computer, along with additional backdrop imagery created by a visualization specialist at Twitter who collected tweets related to Steve Jobs’ passing. The image at the close of the video is an altered Apple logo repurposed as a tribute design for Steve Jobs and created by a 19-year old design student in Hong Kong.

NCMUG’s YouTube channel:

(Thanks to President Lorene Romero and Vice President Ronnie Roche for this tip.)

Filmmaker: BOSFCPUG and Emerson College Collaborate

Join members of the Boston Final Cut Pro User Group (BOSFCPUG), students from Emerson College’s Department of Media and Visual Arts, guests and film fans for the next installment in their collaborative Filmmaker series: a conversation with leading industry filmmakers and experts. The event will feature Bobbie O’Steen (“Cut to the Chase” and “The Invisible Cut”) for an in-depth discussion of the editing on Mike Nichols’ “The Graduate.” During the evening, Bobbie will screen important scenes and describe how they were edited to produce a classic. The price? Free to registered attendees.


Boston Final Cut Pro User Group:

User Group News Bulletin

TCF: Trenton’s 37th Annual Computer Festival

User group members are invited to the 37th annual Trenton Computer Festival (TCF), the oldest computer festival in the world, scheduled for March 12, 2012, at The College of New Jersey in Ewing, New Jersey.

TCF is not just another computer show. It was started by (and is still run by) computer hobbyist volunteers as a non-profit educational event. Attendees can enjoy workshops, the ever-popular flea market, commercial exhibits, opportunities to meet and socialize,  special exhibits, contests and more.

Check it out!

HAAUG: LeVitus’ The State of Apple Address

On February 18, Bob (Dr. Mac) LeVitus will deliver his annual The State of Apple + Some Cool Stuff Dr. Mac Likes address to members of the Houston Area Apple Users Group (HAAUG). If you have been to a “Dr. Mac” presentation, you already know why you should attend. If not, attend and see why he is one of the user group community’s favorite presenters.

NCMUG: Hosts Chris Breen

On February 21 members and officers of the North Coast Mac Users Group (NCMUG) will host Macworld senior editor Chris Breen, who will be offering a wrap up of Macworld 2012 and more. In addition to his Macworld work, Breen is the author of The iPhone Pocket Guide, 6th edition and a popular instructor for This is one meeting you won’t want to miss!

Be there.

BOSCPUG: Visual Storytelling with Vincent LaForet

Vincent LaForet, Pulitzer Prize-winning Photographer, three time winner at the Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival, DGA director, and one of American Photo‘s “100 Most Influential People in Photography,”  will screen and discuss his work during the Boston Creative Pro User Group’s (BOSCPUG) meeting on February 23, at Emerson College’s Paramount Center. Join them for the social networking hour at Salvatore’s then be part of the audience and learn from the best.

Check it out.

Ilene Hoffman Presents: Hess Memorial Macworld Events List 2012

Boston, MA. 1/23/12 — Ilene Hoffman, Macintosh Consultant and writer, announces the new incomparable and unique 2012 Hess Memorial Macworld-iWorld Events List. Whether you plan to attend the show or not, there’s something on the list for you! Attendees should check the page daily for new listings, so that you don’t miss a thing.

In its sixteenth year of publication, the Hess Memorial Macworld Events List is the only source for all events and press functions held during the 2012 Macworld|iWorld week, Jan. 26 – 28. The list highlights all the events you probably did not know were happening at the show. Don’t feel left out just because you’re not in San Francisco, check the list for related Internet events, webinars, and podcasts too!

Please let me know about your events at Macworld|iWorld 2012.
Companies and individuals are encouraged to send new listings now for the Hess Events List from the links on the page. Attendees need to get a head start on the best places to visit at the show.

Special booth goodies and giveaways are welcome on the page too. If you are an exhibitor with special booth events, please submit them to me for the Hess Events List. Make sure the show attendees know what’s happening at your booth! Limited banner advertising space for companies is available also.

Mac User Support
The page is supported primarily by user contributions. Please help if you can. Any amount is welcome.

Special thanks go out to Bare Bones Software, Marketcircle Inc, The Omni Group, and iGame Radio for supporting the list this year. Please show your support by clicking on their banners!

Links You Need
Hess Memorial Macworld Events List:

Find ilene’s news, reviews, and support for all Apple related products on her new blog:

The author, Ilene Hoffman, MS took over the events list when the original author, Robert Hess of MacWeek magazine, passed away in 1996. It is a memorial and tribute to his hard work in the Macintosh community.

Ilene provides marketing, writing, and PR support to Apple-involved companies and Web sites.
These pages are made possible by ilene’s dancing fingers and your generous support.

Ilene’s Machine activities are not formerly affiliated with IDG World Expo, Macworld magazine, Apple, or any other corporate business entity.

NCMUG: Sponsors User Group Leader Dinner at MW

Registration is full for the North Coast Macintosh Users Group’s ( NCMUG) leaders’ dinner on January 25, right before the start of Macworld. Thanks to Lorene Romero and members of NCMUG for sponsoring a user group leader gathering, a chance to meet old friends and hear what’s new in our community.

North Coast Macintosh User’s Group of Santa Rosa

AUSOM: Photo Challenges Make Fun Puzzles

The Apple User’s Society of Melbourne (AUSOM) has a clever challenge for members of their Photoshop special interest group (SIG): take a provided photo and modify it to provided specifications. For example, the February 2012 challenge provides a black-and-white photo, where the only available information is that the vests worn were red, buttons were brass and the baton was red and gold. The task? Tint the photo correctly while retaining the details in the original. By February 4 members will send in possible solutions and the group’s next meeting will look at the answers on offer. What fun!

Visit AUSOM today.

Upper Keys MUG: Perfect Timing

One of the best presents under a Christmas tree is a new or upgraded Mac. Once unwrapped, the next step is to learn the basics, and that is one area where the Upper Keys Macintosh User Group (UKMUG) shines. Their January 12 meeting is titled Macintosh 101, an introduction for beginners and new owners. Better yet, the meeting is free and open to the public. What a great service to the community!

Learn about the Upper Keys Macintosh User Group.

(Thanks to Apple Ambassador Sue Beal for her excellent and informative news releases!)

MLMUG: Special Aperture Presentation

On January 14 the members of the Main Line Mac Users Group (MLMUG) will host Steve Zalot, Senior Systems Engineer with Apple Inc., who will show users some of the wonderful things that this affordable and powerful photo editing software can offer for hobbyists and professional photographers. Can’t attend until February? User group favorite AppleScript guru Ben Waldie of Automated Workflows will be the featured speaker.

Visit the MLMUG website for directions and meeting schedule.

Automated Workflows

(Thanks to long-time Apple User Group Regional Liaison and MLMUG Program Director Maria Arguello for this tip!)

BOSCPUG: Berube Receives Imaginnaire Award

Claudia Crask of SF Cutters reports that Dan Berube of the Boston Creative Pro User Group (BOSCPUG) and Final Cut Pro User Group Network (FCPUG Network) is one of five individuals who have been recognized for excellence in New England’s film and television production industry.  Congrats to Dan for this well-merited recognition.



SF Cutters

(Thanks to Claudia Crask of SF Cutters for this tip!)

Digital CONNtent Creators: Editor’s Retreat 2012

In 2003 Keith Larson and a team of Final Cut Pro users started the Connecticut Final Cut Pro User Group. They have come a long way in the past 9 years, seeing their name change, membership expand to more than 500 members and focus widen. Now they are called Digital CONNtent Creators, with a mission of building connections between editors, motion graphics artists, independent filmmakers, students and video professionals who embrace the digital desktop media revolution. What’s’ next? February 2012 will bring Editor’s Retreat 2012, a five-day summit in Austin, Texas, with a cross section of educational sessions and presentations designed for production professionals. Better yet, members receive a substantive discount.

Watch them grow.

SF Cutters: FCP Network’s SuperMeet San Francisco Returns

If you have been to a SuperMeet, you already know the excitement, information, networking and incredibly-generous raffles, that have made each SuperMeet a can’t-miss event. If you are in film, video, motion graphics, editing or related industries, you need to network and learn at the eleventh annual San Francisco SuperMeet. With displays from 35 vendors at the Digital Showcase and their special open theater,  you can learn from the best and showcase what you do.

January 27 at the Robertson Auditorium: Be there.


Mountain View: Mac Tip Fest Meeting Idea

For the December 3 Mac SIG meeting of Arizona’s  Mountain View Computer Users Group they featured a Tip Fest: more than 64 useful tips shared by members for members. What a wonderful way to offer ideas across multiple applications and categories. This is a meeting idea that can provide information of value to every member, from power user to newbie.


Mountain View Facebook page:


Fun Feature: AAAMUG Members Visit Apple Stores Worldwide

The Arkansas Apple and Macintosh User Group (AAAMUG) has added a fun page to their web site, with photos of the Apple Stores visited by their members. From Michigan to Memphis, to Birmingham and Orlando, to Chicago and more, what a treat!

See if your local Apple Store made the AAAMUG stores page.

Learn About Social Media: CDPUG and NCMUG

Social media is everywhere and keeping up with the news can be a challenge. On December 26, 2011, Stuart Smith, Website Director for Notre Dame College, and Dan Yurman, a marketing and communications specialist, of the Cleveland Digital Publishing User Group will offer an overview of all things Twitter, from use to measurement of influence and much more. Do you know who you are reaching or how the matrix of feed types can affect your message?

On January 17, 2012, the North Coast Mac Users Group will host Kerry Rego of Kerry Rego Consulting. Kerry will offer guidance on the basic uses of social media, tools currently in use and ones on the horizon that may be the “disruptors” that change the way we interact.

See what these members are learning.


Cleveland Digital Publishing User Group


Final Cut Pro Network: SuperMeet San Francisco

The Final Cut Pro Network, including SF Cutters, Lafcpug, BOSFCPUG and other FCPUG and digital video user groups around the globe, invites creatives, collaborative editors, HDSLR fimmakers, digital content creators and their associates to enjoy cocktails, networking and more with industry peers while learning about the latest trends in collaborative editing workflows! What? The eleventh annual San Francisco Super Meet. Where? Robertson Auditorium – 1675 Owens Street – San Francisco. When? – Friday, January 27, 2012 (Doors open 3:00PM for SuperMeet Digital Showcase featuring 35 vendors and Open Screen Theater).

Be there.


Boston Final Cut Pro User Group

Los Angeles Final Cut Pro User Group

CapMac: Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus on the State of the Mac

On December 13 Austin’s Capitol Mac (CapMac) hosted Bob LeVitus as he delivered his popular “State of the Mac” address.  Bob Levitus, better known as “Dr. Mac,” is one of the top-selling authors of Mac and Apple books on the planet. Funny, smart, honest and incredibly down-to-earth (and a wonderful musician as well), Bob is one of the true gems of the user group community.

What fun!

NCMUG Video SIG: A Tribute to Steve

Jon Jones, North Coast Mac Users Group (NCMUG) Board member and Video SIG leader, put together a short tribute video for the NCMUG Video SIG’s YouTube channel. Jon used clips from notable product unveilings by Steve Jobs, set to the Vangelis music used by Mr. Jobs for the introduction of the original Macintosh computer, along with additional backdrop imagery created by a visualization specialist at Twitter who collected tweets related to Steve Jobs’ passing. The image at the close of the video is an altered Apple logo repurposed as a tribute design for Steve Jobs and created by a 19-year old design student in Hong Kong.

NCMUG’s YouTube channel:

(Thanks to President Lorene Romero and Vice President Ronnie Roche for this tip.)

Filmmaker: BOSFCPUG and Emerson College Collaborate

Join members of the Boston Final Cut Pro User Group (BOSFCPUG), students from Emerson College’s Department of Media and Visual Arts, guests and film fans for the next installment in their collaborative Filmmaker series: a conversation with leading industry filmmakers and experts. The event will feature Bobbie O’Steen (“Cut to the Chase” and “The Invisible Cut”) for an in-depth discussion of the editing on Mike Nichols’ “The Graduate.” During the evening, Bobbie will screen important scenes and describe how they were edited to produce a classic. The price? Free to registered attendees.


Boston Final Cut Pro User Group:

User Group Archives