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User Group Archives

User Group News Bulletin

DCFCPUG: Holiday Gathering at GVEXPO

On November 30, the District of Columbia Final Cut Pro User Group (DCFCPUG) will host its combined November and December meeting with a special event during the Government Video Expo (GVEXPO), one of the East Coast’s largest gathering of video and broadcasting pros. With tasty treats from sponsor AJA Video, demos of Smoke on the Mac and ToolFarm plug ins, a keynote presentation by Gary Adcock and a bounteous raffle, what more could an Expo attendee want?

Join in the fun.

Visit the District of Columbia Final Cut Pro User Group.


San Gabriel Valley: Mac101 Clinic

Members of the San Gabriel Valley Macintosh Users Group (SGVMUG) will be able to ask the experts during Mac101, on November 21 at the Pasadena Central Public Library.  The experts include Pat Dengler, Chris Keller, Dave Whitby, Billy Chang and Andrew Zima. Want to know about Lions new features? Questions about iOS on your mobile devices? Interested in hidden features? SGVMUG’s Mac 101 Clinic is the place to be.

Check it out!


MacCamp: SMUG and MIAMUG Continue a Tradition

On November 12, members from Saginaw Michigan Users Group (SMUG) and
Mac-in-Awe MUG (MIAMUG), as well as guests and switchers, will join
together to create an energy-rich atmosphere for fun, learning and
sharing. MacCamp is all about “hands-on” learning. Bring your own laptop
or gather round the many that are in use. Ask questions and get answers
or help. Be there to join in the fun.


Mac-in-Awe MUG

Saginaw Macintosh Users Group


LA Web Professionals: From Design to Device

On November 2, the LA Web Professionals User Group will feature speaker Anissa Thompson, showing folk how to use Adobe’s Fireworks and Dreamweaver to quickly design, develop and distribute websites and native applications for both desktop and mobile displays. The cost? Free with registration. Attendees are encouraged to bring a tech book, manual or DVD to exchange with others present, and can purchase raffle tickets, with a top prize of a copy of CS5.5.

Learn more.

LA Web Professionals User Group

ClubMac: Sending Computers to Haiti

Tom Mac Mahon, a committee member from Ireland’s ClubMac user group, has been recycling Macintosh computers for quite some time. Recently, he was able to donate a number of computers to needy schools in Haiti, due to members’ donations and help, and his refurbishment. The shipment left Dublin on October 7 and should arrive shortly. Thanks to Tom and the members of ClubMac for such a generous offering.

Check out Dublin’s best.

Thank You Steve

Within minutes, group members around the world responded to the news of Steve Job’s death. Many were heartbroken and many expressed gratitude for the wonderful ride we have had under his leadership, from the first Apple to this week’s iOS5 and more.  Some found themselves explaining why the death of someone we might have met only a few times (or never) hit as hard as the death of a beloved family member.

In the first two hours, as I heard comments from Pam Haughwout Borys (MacWoburn), David Berg (Philadelphia Power Book Users Group), Lorene Romero (NCMUG), Magnus Nystedt (Emirates Mac), Asam Bashir (caMMac), Graeme Moffatt (Apple User group Regional Liaison for Oceania), Del Messier (SMUG), Gail Murphy (Wired Women), Gary Kampel (Apple User Group Liaison, SE Region), Chris Bastian (LiMac), Elsa Travisano (MUG ONE), Lynn Wegley (UGNN),  John Buono (Mountain View Computer Users Group), the publicity team at AUSOM, and so many more, I realized that Steve not only gave us remarkable products, but he also gave us each other. Saying thanks is so little to repay so much. As Shakespeare’s Hamlet says, “Taken for all in all, [We] shall not see his like again.”

Thank you Steve

(photo composed of thousands of messages of thanks and condolences)

YouTube: MCE 2011 Highlights

The 18th annual Mac Computer Expo (MCE), hosted by the North Coast Mac Users Group, was held on Saturday October 1, 2011, in Petaluma CA. Using the wonderful photos taken by John Hershey Photography, President Lorene Romero put together a slide show of MCE 2011 highlights. Included are great shots of vendors, including Marsee Henon of O’Reilly and Jean MacDonald of Smile, experts such as Derrick Story and Tom Negrino, NCMUG officers and members, including Ronnie Roche and Amanda Lee Pearson, and guests from around the world.

Thanks for the memories.

Visit NCMUG.

Milestones: Wonderful Groups – Wonderful Members

This month’s Milestones includes the Apple Blossom Computer Club: four members started a club in 1981 and one has been a member ever since. Mexico’s iGroup is twelve years old and has grown to more than 700 on-site and online members. Happy anniversary to a worldwide list of some of our oldest and largest groups.

1977 AppleRock
(Greetings to President Joan Poletti.)

1979 Apple-Q Inc
(Congrats to Apple-Q members who are offering help with the after effects of the flooding.)

1981 Apple Blossom Computer Club

(Greetings to Apple Ambassador Jim McClellan and members of ABCC)

1984 dBug – Seattle Mac User Group

1984 North Coast Mac Users Group (CA)
(Congratulations to President Lorene Romero and NCMUG members for another hugely successful MCE.)

1984 Tulsa Users of Macintosh Society
(Sending a warm hello to President Arthur Barber and members of TUMS)

1984 Victoria Macintosh Users Group
(Greetings to President Dave Traynor and VMUG members.)

1985 Silicon Mountain Macintosh User Group
(Congratulations to President Jim Johnson, Assistant Webmaster Ralph Woodard, Apple User Group Board member Lynn Poos and the wonderful folk at SMMUG.)

1991 Rheintaler Macintosh User Group (REMUG)
(Thanks to President Martin Hilber for this tip.)

1992 Macintosh Business Users Society of Greater Philadelphia
(Greetings to President Chris Urban, VP Irv Herzog and members – wish I could be there for Dave’s presentation on October 25.)

1999 iGroup Mexico
(Thanks to long-time President and top-class organizer Edgar Orduna for this tip.)

2002 AppleSeeds
(Thanks to President Julie Burwood for this tip.)

FCPUG SuperMeet Returns: Boston 2011

On October 27, the FCPUG Network will host Boston’s largest single-day gathering of creative and collaborative editors, HDSLR filmmakers, digital content creators and Gurus in the Northeast for the last SuperMeet of the year. Enjoy a few cocktails, network and party with industry peers while learning latest trends in collaborative editing workflows. What makes this one special? Boston 2011 marks the tenth anniversary of SuperMeet gatherings.

Be there.




MacNexus: Contest Winners Announced

During their October 18th meeting, the MacNexus user group of Sacramento will view the finalists for their photo contest and vote on a grand prize winner. They will also elect officers for the next year. What makes this meeting exceptional? They will celebrate 27 years with birthday cake and the meeting’s raffle includes an 11″ MacBook Air. Congrats to the members and officers of MacNexus.

When you visit, check out their Steve Jobs timeline.

MacCamp Returns: A Portland Tradition

For more than 25 years one of the wonderful benefits of belonging to the Portland Macintosh Users Group (PMUG) has been the opportunity to attend the group’s members-only MacCamp sessions. This fall’s camp will be number 53. From enjoying the waterfalls and nature walks of Silver Falls State Park, to great food, to fun networking experiences, to multiple training sessions and even a gamers’ cabin, each camp holds a place in the hearts of those who attend. Is your group looking for a novel idea to build community and share knowledge? Check out PMUG’s MacCamp.

Read an article by OMUG’s Steve Welsh describing MacCamp.

Visit PMUG and learn more. Spotlight on FOSS DVD

Nicholas Pyers reports that, as part of the celebrations of Software Freedom Day 2011, has compiled a selection of some of the best free software currently  available for the Mac, collected together on a single DVD, called “Spotlight on FOSS.” Better yet, has generously offered to make the DVD’s “Gold Master” available for group download, so that user groups can distribute this wonderful resource at meetings or Software Freedom Day events.

Learn more about how your group can get involved.

(Thanks to Nicholas Pyers for his many contributions to the user group community.)

Lincoln Hills MUG: Summer Picnic, “the Woz” and more

Ever had a picnic in a ballroom? The Lincoln Hills Macintosh User Group (LHMUG) will be hosting their popular annual summer picnic on September 27 in the OC Ballroom, with their famous tri-tip BBQ and Chipotle chicken, and raffle prizes that include an iPad2. This year will include a special treat: an iChat video greeting from Steve Wozniak to the group. Reservations must be made by September 15, and there will be no tickets for sale at the door.

Visit LHMUG.

(Thanks to Apple Ambassador and LHMUG Past President Irwin Maloff for this tip!)

NCMUG’s Jon Jones: Choosing Your Apple iPad2

Jon Jones of the North Coast Mac Users Group (NCMUG) recently posted a wonderful video to YouTube that can help folk decide on the right iPad for their needs, dividing by color, capacity, connectivity and carrier.  Want to know which one is right for you? Check out Jon’s video.

Don’t forget to save Saturday, October 1, for NCMUG’s wonderful Macintosh Computer Expo 2011 (MCE). Be there!

Check out Jon’s video.

Visit NCMUG.

Plan to attend MCE 2011.

(Thanks to NCMUG President Lorene Romero for this great tip!)

Photo Adventure: Secret Locations of Bisbee

Photo walks are popular, both the formal ones that carry the Photo Walk imprimatur and those with similar themes. John Buono of the Mountain View Computer Users Group (and long-time Macworld user group staffer) will be leading a group on September 24 at 10: a.m., as they explore great photo locations in Bisbee, Arizona.

Learn more about this Meetup event:

Check out the Mountain View Computer Users Group on the web.

or their Facebook page:



FCPUG Amsterdam Supermeet: Featuring the 4 A’s

The fourth annual FCPUG Amsterdam SuperMeet, held Sunday, September 11, at the Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky in Amsterdam, will feature the four A’s of editing: Apple, Adobe, Avid and Autodesk, and so much more. Join attendees from SFCutters, BOSFCPUG, and groups located in the UK, Germany, Hungary, Russia, Belgium, France and more for the largest gathering of FCP, Avid and Adobe editors, HDLSR filmmakers and digital content gurus on the planet – truly an event to remember. Networking? You bet! New tips and tricks? Of course! Their world-famous raffle? It has to be seen to be believed!

Be there.

Check out the wonderful SFCutters Facebook page

LAFCPUG: FCPUG Amsterdam SuperMeet

Michael Horton of the Los Angeles Final Cut Pro User Group (LAFCPUG) and the Final Cut Pro User Group Network (FCPUG) sends word that registration is open for the fourth annual FCPUG Amsterdam SuperMeet, held Sunday, September 11, at the Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky in Amsterdam. Join attendees from LAFCPUG, BOSFCPUG, and groups located in the UK, Germany, Hungary, Russia, Belgium, France and more for the largest gathering of FCP, Avid and Adobe editors, HDLSR filmmakers and digital content gurus on the planet – truly an event to remember. Networking? You bet! New tips and tricks? Of course! Their world-famous raffle? Second to none!

Be there.

Visit the Los Angeles Final Cut Pro User Group

Worldwide Photowalk: Terry’s Team Will Walk in October

On the first of October Terry White, President of MacGroup Detroit and photographer extraordinaire, will lead one of the world wide teams who will spend two hours walking, shooting photos and generally having fun with other photographers. Last year over 33,000 people participated, and, as you might expect, Terry’s team filled up almost the minute registration opened. Has your group participated in a Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk? They are free and fun, so why not start one in your region?

Check out Terry’s page.

Learn about MacGroup Detroit.

Participate in a photowalk on October 1-2.

Saudi Apple Users: Sharing Community

When it comes to user groups, community, friendships and technology go hand in hand. The members of the Saudi Apple User Group recently posted photos of Iftar dinners, with good friends, good technology and even SMUG cupcakes.Welcome to our newest Saudi group!

Saudi Apple User Group

Iftar photos:

(Sending a warm welcome to Ambassador Yousef Raffah and members of the Saudi Apple Users Group)

User Group News Bulletin

DCFCPUG: Holiday Gathering at GVEXPO

On November 30, the District of Columbia Final Cut Pro User Group (DCFCPUG) will host its combined November and December meeting with a special event during the Government Video Expo (GVEXPO), one of the East Coast’s largest gathering of video and broadcasting pros. With tasty treats from sponsor AJA Video, demos of Smoke on the Mac and ToolFarm plug ins, a keynote presentation by Gary Adcock and a bounteous raffle, what more could an Expo attendee want?

Join in the fun.

Visit the District of Columbia Final Cut Pro User Group.


San Gabriel Valley: Mac101 Clinic

Members of the San Gabriel Valley Macintosh Users Group (SGVMUG) will be able to ask the experts during Mac101, on November 21 at the Pasadena Central Public Library.  The experts include Pat Dengler, Chris Keller, Dave Whitby, Billy Chang and Andrew Zima. Want to know about Lions new features? Questions about iOS on your mobile devices? Interested in hidden features? SGVMUG’s Mac 101 Clinic is the place to be.

Check it out!


MacCamp: SMUG and MIAMUG Continue a Tradition

On November 12, members from Saginaw Michigan Users Group (SMUG) and
Mac-in-Awe MUG (MIAMUG), as well as guests and switchers, will join
together to create an energy-rich atmosphere for fun, learning and
sharing. MacCamp is all about “hands-on” learning. Bring your own laptop
or gather round the many that are in use. Ask questions and get answers
or help. Be there to join in the fun.


Mac-in-Awe MUG

Saginaw Macintosh Users Group


LA Web Professionals: From Design to Device

On November 2, the LA Web Professionals User Group will feature speaker Anissa Thompson, showing folk how to use Adobe’s Fireworks and Dreamweaver to quickly design, develop and distribute websites and native applications for both desktop and mobile displays. The cost? Free with registration. Attendees are encouraged to bring a tech book, manual or DVD to exchange with others present, and can purchase raffle tickets, with a top prize of a copy of CS5.5.

Learn more.

LA Web Professionals User Group

ClubMac: Sending Computers to Haiti

Tom Mac Mahon, a committee member from Ireland’s ClubMac user group, has been recycling Macintosh computers for quite some time. Recently, he was able to donate a number of computers to needy schools in Haiti, due to members’ donations and help, and his refurbishment. The shipment left Dublin on October 7 and should arrive shortly. Thanks to Tom and the members of ClubMac for such a generous offering.

Check out Dublin’s best.

Thank You Steve

Within minutes, group members around the world responded to the news of Steve Job’s death. Many were heartbroken and many expressed gratitude for the wonderful ride we have had under his leadership, from the first Apple to this week’s iOS5 and more.  Some found themselves explaining why the death of someone we might have met only a few times (or never) hit as hard as the death of a beloved family member.

In the first two hours, as I heard comments from Pam Haughwout Borys (MacWoburn), David Berg (Philadelphia Power Book Users Group), Lorene Romero (NCMUG), Magnus Nystedt (Emirates Mac), Asam Bashir (caMMac), Graeme Moffatt (Apple User group Regional Liaison for Oceania), Del Messier (SMUG), Gail Murphy (Wired Women), Gary Kampel (Apple User Group Liaison, SE Region), Chris Bastian (LiMac), Elsa Travisano (MUG ONE), Lynn Wegley (UGNN),  John Buono (Mountain View Computer Users Group), the publicity team at AUSOM, and so many more, I realized that Steve not only gave us remarkable products, but he also gave us each other. Saying thanks is so little to repay so much. As Shakespeare’s Hamlet says, “Taken for all in all, [We] shall not see his like again.”

Thank you Steve

(photo composed of thousands of messages of thanks and condolences)

YouTube: MCE 2011 Highlights

The 18th annual Mac Computer Expo (MCE), hosted by the North Coast Mac Users Group, was held on Saturday October 1, 2011, in Petaluma CA. Using the wonderful photos taken by John Hershey Photography, President Lorene Romero put together a slide show of MCE 2011 highlights. Included are great shots of vendors, including Marsee Henon of O’Reilly and Jean MacDonald of Smile, experts such as Derrick Story and Tom Negrino, NCMUG officers and members, including Ronnie Roche and Amanda Lee Pearson, and guests from around the world.

Thanks for the memories.

Visit NCMUG.

Milestones: Wonderful Groups – Wonderful Members

This month’s Milestones includes the Apple Blossom Computer Club: four members started a club in 1981 and one has been a member ever since. Mexico’s iGroup is twelve years old and has grown to more than 700 on-site and online members. Happy anniversary to a worldwide list of some of our oldest and largest groups.

1977 AppleRock
(Greetings to President Joan Poletti.)

1979 Apple-Q Inc
(Congrats to Apple-Q members who are offering help with the after effects of the flooding.)

1981 Apple Blossom Computer Club

(Greetings to Apple Ambassador Jim McClellan and members of ABCC)

1984 dBug – Seattle Mac User Group

1984 North Coast Mac Users Group (CA)
(Congratulations to President Lorene Romero and NCMUG members for another hugely successful MCE.)

1984 Tulsa Users of Macintosh Society
(Sending a warm hello to President Arthur Barber and members of TUMS)

1984 Victoria Macintosh Users Group
(Greetings to President Dave Traynor and VMUG members.)

1985 Silicon Mountain Macintosh User Group
(Congratulations to President Jim Johnson, Assistant Webmaster Ralph Woodard, Apple User Group Board member Lynn Poos and the wonderful folk at SMMUG.)

1991 Rheintaler Macintosh User Group (REMUG)
(Thanks to President Martin Hilber for this tip.)

1992 Macintosh Business Users Society of Greater Philadelphia
(Greetings to President Chris Urban, VP Irv Herzog and members – wish I could be there for Dave’s presentation on October 25.)

1999 iGroup Mexico
(Thanks to long-time President and top-class organizer Edgar Orduna for this tip.)

2002 AppleSeeds
(Thanks to President Julie Burwood for this tip.)

FCPUG SuperMeet Returns: Boston 2011

On October 27, the FCPUG Network will host Boston’s largest single-day gathering of creative and collaborative editors, HDSLR filmmakers, digital content creators and Gurus in the Northeast for the last SuperMeet of the year. Enjoy a few cocktails, network and party with industry peers while learning latest trends in collaborative editing workflows. What makes this one special? Boston 2011 marks the tenth anniversary of SuperMeet gatherings.

Be there.




MacNexus: Contest Winners Announced

During their October 18th meeting, the MacNexus user group of Sacramento will view the finalists for their photo contest and vote on a grand prize winner. They will also elect officers for the next year. What makes this meeting exceptional? They will celebrate 27 years with birthday cake and the meeting’s raffle includes an 11″ MacBook Air. Congrats to the members and officers of MacNexus.

When you visit, check out their Steve Jobs timeline.

MacCamp Returns: A Portland Tradition

For more than 25 years one of the wonderful benefits of belonging to the Portland Macintosh Users Group (PMUG) has been the opportunity to attend the group’s members-only MacCamp sessions. This fall’s camp will be number 53. From enjoying the waterfalls and nature walks of Silver Falls State Park, to great food, to fun networking experiences, to multiple training sessions and even a gamers’ cabin, each camp holds a place in the hearts of those who attend. Is your group looking for a novel idea to build community and share knowledge? Check out PMUG’s MacCamp.

Read an article by OMUG’s Steve Welsh describing MacCamp.

Visit PMUG and learn more. Spotlight on FOSS DVD

Nicholas Pyers reports that, as part of the celebrations of Software Freedom Day 2011, has compiled a selection of some of the best free software currently  available for the Mac, collected together on a single DVD, called “Spotlight on FOSS.” Better yet, has generously offered to make the DVD’s “Gold Master” available for group download, so that user groups can distribute this wonderful resource at meetings or Software Freedom Day events.

Learn more about how your group can get involved.

(Thanks to Nicholas Pyers for his many contributions to the user group community.)

Lincoln Hills MUG: Summer Picnic, “the Woz” and more

Ever had a picnic in a ballroom? The Lincoln Hills Macintosh User Group (LHMUG) will be hosting their popular annual summer picnic on September 27 in the OC Ballroom, with their famous tri-tip BBQ and Chipotle chicken, and raffle prizes that include an iPad2. This year will include a special treat: an iChat video greeting from Steve Wozniak to the group. Reservations must be made by September 15, and there will be no tickets for sale at the door.

Visit LHMUG.

(Thanks to Apple Ambassador and LHMUG Past President Irwin Maloff for this tip!)

NCMUG’s Jon Jones: Choosing Your Apple iPad2

Jon Jones of the North Coast Mac Users Group (NCMUG) recently posted a wonderful video to YouTube that can help folk decide on the right iPad for their needs, dividing by color, capacity, connectivity and carrier.  Want to know which one is right for you? Check out Jon’s video.

Don’t forget to save Saturday, October 1, for NCMUG’s wonderful Macintosh Computer Expo 2011 (MCE). Be there!

Check out Jon’s video.

Visit NCMUG.

Plan to attend MCE 2011.

(Thanks to NCMUG President Lorene Romero for this great tip!)

Photo Adventure: Secret Locations of Bisbee

Photo walks are popular, both the formal ones that carry the Photo Walk imprimatur and those with similar themes. John Buono of the Mountain View Computer Users Group (and long-time Macworld user group staffer) will be leading a group on September 24 at 10: a.m., as they explore great photo locations in Bisbee, Arizona.

Learn more about this Meetup event:

Check out the Mountain View Computer Users Group on the web.

or their Facebook page:



FCPUG Amsterdam Supermeet: Featuring the 4 A’s

The fourth annual FCPUG Amsterdam SuperMeet, held Sunday, September 11, at the Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky in Amsterdam, will feature the four A’s of editing: Apple, Adobe, Avid and Autodesk, and so much more. Join attendees from SFCutters, BOSFCPUG, and groups located in the UK, Germany, Hungary, Russia, Belgium, France and more for the largest gathering of FCP, Avid and Adobe editors, HDLSR filmmakers and digital content gurus on the planet – truly an event to remember. Networking? You bet! New tips and tricks? Of course! Their world-famous raffle? It has to be seen to be believed!

Be there.

Check out the wonderful SFCutters Facebook page

LAFCPUG: FCPUG Amsterdam SuperMeet

Michael Horton of the Los Angeles Final Cut Pro User Group (LAFCPUG) and the Final Cut Pro User Group Network (FCPUG) sends word that registration is open for the fourth annual FCPUG Amsterdam SuperMeet, held Sunday, September 11, at the Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky in Amsterdam. Join attendees from LAFCPUG, BOSFCPUG, and groups located in the UK, Germany, Hungary, Russia, Belgium, France and more for the largest gathering of FCP, Avid and Adobe editors, HDLSR filmmakers and digital content gurus on the planet – truly an event to remember. Networking? You bet! New tips and tricks? Of course! Their world-famous raffle? Second to none!

Be there.

Visit the Los Angeles Final Cut Pro User Group

Worldwide Photowalk: Terry’s Team Will Walk in October

On the first of October Terry White, President of MacGroup Detroit and photographer extraordinaire, will lead one of the world wide teams who will spend two hours walking, shooting photos and generally having fun with other photographers. Last year over 33,000 people participated, and, as you might expect, Terry’s team filled up almost the minute registration opened. Has your group participated in a Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk? They are free and fun, so why not start one in your region?

Check out Terry’s page.

Learn about MacGroup Detroit.

Participate in a photowalk on October 1-2.

Saudi Apple Users: Sharing Community

When it comes to user groups, community, friendships and technology go hand in hand. The members of the Saudi Apple User Group recently posted photos of Iftar dinners, with good friends, good technology and even SMUG cupcakes.Welcome to our newest Saudi group!

Saudi Apple User Group

Iftar photos:

(Sending a warm welcome to Ambassador Yousef Raffah and members of the Saudi Apple Users Group)

User Group Archives