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User Group News Bulletin

MacGroup-Detroit: PhotoWalk and Contest

In May Mac-Group Detroit members gave away an iPad 2 during their Everything iPad 2 meeting. On June 18th the group will be hosting their popular PhotoWalk, with registration limited to 30 walkers. Photos taken at Carpenter Lake Park during the walk will have a chance to win during the accompanying photo contest. The judges will be the members of MacGroup-Detroit with the winner selected at their June meeting. Staying busy with creative new activities is one hallmark of MacGroup-Detroit’s success.

Be there.

(Thanks as always to President Terry White for these great meeting ideas.)

SVMUG: Bring Your iPhone. Bring your iPad. Bring a friend.

On May 16, the Silicon Valley Macintosh User Group (SVMUG) will host Jeannie Yang – Smule’s VP of Product Alchemy. Smule is the creator of  Ocarina app and the Sonic Lighter app for the iPhone.  Jeannie will talk about some of their latest products, including Glee Karaoke, Magic Piano and Magic Fiddle.

SVMUG publicity says, “Bring Your iPhone. Bring your iPad. Bring a friend.”

MadMac’s Scott Snyder: An Introduction to Aperture 3

Madison Macintosh Users Group (MadMac) member Scott Snyder will be teaching an Introduction to Aperture 3 course at The Center for Photography at Madison on June 11th. The course is geared to folk interested in the benefits of upgrading to the current version, photographers currently using editing software and new users. Sounds like fun!

Learn about Mad Mac.

Check out Scott’s class.

(Thanks to Richard Russell for this tip!)


BOSFCPUG at RULE: Hodgetts Presents on Final Cut Pro X and More

On May 25 the Boston Final Cut Pro User Group (BOSFCPUG) will host a special meeting, featuring Philip Hodgetts and his presentation on Final Cut Pro X. Of course, BOSFCPUGs famous Big Dig raffle will be part of the event.

BOSFCPUG and SF Cutters are also offering discounts for the upcoming EditFest New York: $50 (US) off the regular price.

Check it out!

Boston May 25 Mixer and EditFest New York discount:

SFCutters Voices that Matter Conference, EditFest LA and dvExpo discounts:

Patrick Koster: Florida Macintosh User Group Hosts 2 Sessions

The Orlando InDesign User Group, a SIG of the Florida Macintosh Users Group (FLMUG), asks attendees to be a part of history, as Patrick Koster, Adobe Senior Solutions Engineer, demonstrates how CS5 gives creative professionals, designers, and developers the confidence to design and deliver content and applications across media. This is a meeting you won’t want to miss.

Florida Macintosh User’s Group of Orlando:

FLMUG’s InDesign SIG:

SF Cutters: Las Vegas SuperMeet Mystery Guest

Every SuperMeet seems better than the one before and here’s the evidence: this year’s Las Vegas Final Cut Pro Network’s SuperMeet sold out early, although the web site indicates that more tickets may be added at the last moment.  With a mystery guest presentation and a sneak peek at something special, lucky ticket holders will be there to celebrate 10 years of successful Final Cut Pro Network SuperMeets on April 12 at Balley’s during NAB.

Learn more.

(Thanks to Claudia Crask of SF Cutters for this exciting tip!)

Vintage Computer Festival East: 7.0

On May 14 – 15 travel back and enjoy fun memories at the InfoAge Science Center in Wall, New Jersey. Remember punch cards or hacking BASIC? Were you able to survive on the Oregon Trail? How long ago did your group abandon its BBS? Well, the Vintage Computer Festival will feature more than 20 hands-on exhibits, lectures, consignment booths, a build-your-own circuit workshop, museum tours, food, prizes and the usual nerdy tee shirts: two days of fun!


MacCamp: OMUG’s Movie Trailer and Reference Page

Over this weekend the Portland Macintosh Users Group (PMUG) will provide a weekend of friendship, learning and group renewal in the beauty and tranquility of Silver Falls State Park (Oregon). Run as a not-for-profit event, PMUG uses any funds earned to make the next MacCamp even better. President Charles DeVore and PMUG members deserve thanks for providing this wonderful continuing resource to their group members and the user group community. Better yet, check out the Oregon MacPioneers User Group’s MacCamp movie trailer and information page, courtesy of past Apple User Group Regional Liaison Steve Welsh.

Visit the Portland Macintosh Users Group:

Check out MacCamp 2011

Upper Keys Macintosh User Group: iPads and More

The Upper Keys Mac User Group will hold an audience participation meeting on the iPad on Thursday, April 14 at 7pm, at the Key Largo Library Community Room. The new iPad is out, and several members have them and will be bringing them to show. Learn about  iPad users’ favorite apps and tricks. If you are still thinking about getting one,  come and learn all about this great new tablet  from Apple!

Visit the Upper Keys Macintosh User Group.

Thanks to Ambassador Sue Beal for this fun tip!)

Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus: Mid-Atlantic User Group Tour

Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus, Houston Chronicle Technology Columnist, Mac Observer iReviews Editor,  author of nearly 60 books and one of the world’s leading experts on the Mac OS, will visit three MUGs in the Mid-Atlantic USA on May 9-15.

He will begin his tour at the Princeton Macintosh Users Group (PMUG), followed by the Hershey Apple Core, and then to the Main Line Macintosh Users Group (MLMUG). This will be his 10th visit to MLMUG, and his visits are one of the highlights of the user group calendar.

Be there!

May 14 – MLMUG

May 10 – Princeton Macintosh Users Group

Hershey Apple Core -no date listed

(Thanks to Maria O. Arguello, Apple User Group Regional Liaison for this great list!)

RL Graeme Moffatt: Christchurch Earthquake Relief

Regional Liaison Graeme Moffatt reports that pipers and drummers from across New Zealand joined for a charity concert in support of earthquake relief in Christchurch. As part of the fundraiser, the group is selling DVDs of the concert via the web. Their PAL format disks will, of course, play well on your Mac. It is wonderful to see groups and members across the globe join together to help others in New Zealand, Japan, and where there are folk in need.

(Thanks to Apple User Group Regional Liaison Graeme Moffatt for this tip!)

NCMUG: Suppporting Relief Efforts in Japan

On March 24, the officers of the North Coast Macintosh  Users Group of California (NCMUG) voted to support  Japanese relief efforts by donating $500 to the Red Cross. In addition, the group sent out a mailing reminding others that donations can be made via iTunes and Google for those willing to join them in support. Kudos to the officers of NCMUG for this excellent reminder that we all share a single world.

(Thanks to President Lorene Romero and board member Amanda Lee Pearson for this tip!)

SF Cutters: 11 Years and SuperMeet Plans

On March 16, the officers and members of SF Cutters will celebrate their 11th anniversary with a bash at Adobe Systems, San Francisco, including beer, pizza, anniversary cake, top-name speakers and a bountiful raffle. Not content to rest on their laurels, the group is already gearing up for the Las Vegas SuperMeet, planned for April 12 during NAB. Add in their $100 discount on Post Production World tickets, and SF Cutters shows that it IS possible to offer something for every taste. Wow!

SF Cutters

They put the super in SuperMeets

PDXFCPUG: Ken Webster, Paul Sosso and More

The members of the Portland Final Cut Pro User Group (PDXFCPUG) hosted Ken Webster, of Innervoice Studios, as he presents an overview of the general workflow that supports creating good audio in most video or film projects. He will explore pre-production, production and post-production sound and highlight best practices in each of the above categories.  Ken will finish with an overview of music and foley and the role they play in the final stages of post production. Add in tips from Paul Sosso, a Show/Tell session and a raffle, and this event is a winner.

Check out PDXFCPUG.

(Thanks to Rebecca Gerendasy for this tip!)

Open Apple Podcast: Keeping the KansasFest Spirit Alive

Mike Maginnis and Ken Gagne, two long-time Apple II users,  recently announced the Apple II community’s first co-hosted podcast. “Open Apple” is a monthly show dedicated to Steve Wozniak’s most famous personal computer. “When we got home from KansasFest 2010, we didn’t want the experience to end,” said Gagne in the show’s first episode, referring to the annual Apple II convention. Added Maginnis, “One of the great things about the Apple II is the community that surrounds it. Having a podcast where we can chat with other Apple II users fosters that community feeling you get at events like KansasFest.” In keeping with that theme, the two co-hosts are joined in their first episode by KansasFest veteran Andy Molloy, the first of many guests to appear on Open Apple.

Listen in.

Trenton Computer Festival: 26 Years Strong

User group members are invited to the 36th annual Trenton Computer Festival (TCF), the oldest computer festival in the world, scheduled for April 2-3, 2011 at The College of New Jersey in Ewing, New Jersey.

TCF is not just another computer show. It was started by (and is still run by) computer hobbyist volunteers as a non-profit educational event. Attendees can enjoy workshops, the ever-popular flea market, commercial exhibits, opportunities to meet and socialize,  special exhibits, contests and more.

Check it out!

PMUG Hosts MacCamp Spring 2011: April 15-17

Twice each year the Portland Macintosh Users Group (PMUG) provides a weekend of friendship, learning and group renewal in the beauty and tranquility of Silver Falls State Park (Oregon). Run as a not-for-profit event, PMUG uses any funds earned to make the next MacCamp even better. President Charles DeVore and PMUG members deserve thanks for providing this wonderful continuing resource to their group members and the user group community.

Visit the Portland Macintosh Users Group:

Check out MacCamp 2011


NCMUG: Derrick Story Presents

On March 15, the North Coast Mac Users Group will host Derrick Story, author, digital photographer and member of the conference faculty for Macworld. Derrick will be talking about the new iPhoto ’11.  He is known for his expertise, so this is an event to enjoy! Can’t be there? Check out The Digital Story, Derrick’s virtual camera club and weekly podcast,  open to all photography enthusiasts.

See what NCMUG is doing.

Visit The Digital Story

User Group News Bulletin

MacGroup-Detroit: PhotoWalk and Contest

In May Mac-Group Detroit members gave away an iPad 2 during their Everything iPad 2 meeting. On June 18th the group will be hosting their popular PhotoWalk, with registration limited to 30 walkers. Photos taken at Carpenter Lake Park during the walk will have a chance to win during the accompanying photo contest. The judges will be the members of MacGroup-Detroit with the winner selected at their June meeting. Staying busy with creative new activities is one hallmark of MacGroup-Detroit’s success.

Be there.

(Thanks as always to President Terry White for these great meeting ideas.)

SVMUG: Bring Your iPhone. Bring your iPad. Bring a friend.

On May 16, the Silicon Valley Macintosh User Group (SVMUG) will host Jeannie Yang – Smule’s VP of Product Alchemy. Smule is the creator of  Ocarina app and the Sonic Lighter app for the iPhone.  Jeannie will talk about some of their latest products, including Glee Karaoke, Magic Piano and Magic Fiddle.

SVMUG publicity says, “Bring Your iPhone. Bring your iPad. Bring a friend.”

MadMac’s Scott Snyder: An Introduction to Aperture 3

Madison Macintosh Users Group (MadMac) member Scott Snyder will be teaching an Introduction to Aperture 3 course at The Center for Photography at Madison on June 11th. The course is geared to folk interested in the benefits of upgrading to the current version, photographers currently using editing software and new users. Sounds like fun!

Learn about Mad Mac.

Check out Scott’s class.

(Thanks to Richard Russell for this tip!)


BOSFCPUG at RULE: Hodgetts Presents on Final Cut Pro X and More

On May 25 the Boston Final Cut Pro User Group (BOSFCPUG) will host a special meeting, featuring Philip Hodgetts and his presentation on Final Cut Pro X. Of course, BOSFCPUGs famous Big Dig raffle will be part of the event.

BOSFCPUG and SF Cutters are also offering discounts for the upcoming EditFest New York: $50 (US) off the regular price.

Check it out!

Boston May 25 Mixer and EditFest New York discount:

SFCutters Voices that Matter Conference, EditFest LA and dvExpo discounts:

Patrick Koster: Florida Macintosh User Group Hosts 2 Sessions

The Orlando InDesign User Group, a SIG of the Florida Macintosh Users Group (FLMUG), asks attendees to be a part of history, as Patrick Koster, Adobe Senior Solutions Engineer, demonstrates how CS5 gives creative professionals, designers, and developers the confidence to design and deliver content and applications across media. This is a meeting you won’t want to miss.

Florida Macintosh User’s Group of Orlando:

FLMUG’s InDesign SIG:

SF Cutters: Las Vegas SuperMeet Mystery Guest

Every SuperMeet seems better than the one before and here’s the evidence: this year’s Las Vegas Final Cut Pro Network’s SuperMeet sold out early, although the web site indicates that more tickets may be added at the last moment.  With a mystery guest presentation and a sneak peek at something special, lucky ticket holders will be there to celebrate 10 years of successful Final Cut Pro Network SuperMeets on April 12 at Balley’s during NAB.

Learn more.

(Thanks to Claudia Crask of SF Cutters for this exciting tip!)

Vintage Computer Festival East: 7.0

On May 14 – 15 travel back and enjoy fun memories at the InfoAge Science Center in Wall, New Jersey. Remember punch cards or hacking BASIC? Were you able to survive on the Oregon Trail? How long ago did your group abandon its BBS? Well, the Vintage Computer Festival will feature more than 20 hands-on exhibits, lectures, consignment booths, a build-your-own circuit workshop, museum tours, food, prizes and the usual nerdy tee shirts: two days of fun!


MacCamp: OMUG’s Movie Trailer and Reference Page

Over this weekend the Portland Macintosh Users Group (PMUG) will provide a weekend of friendship, learning and group renewal in the beauty and tranquility of Silver Falls State Park (Oregon). Run as a not-for-profit event, PMUG uses any funds earned to make the next MacCamp even better. President Charles DeVore and PMUG members deserve thanks for providing this wonderful continuing resource to their group members and the user group community. Better yet, check out the Oregon MacPioneers User Group’s MacCamp movie trailer and information page, courtesy of past Apple User Group Regional Liaison Steve Welsh.

Visit the Portland Macintosh Users Group:

Check out MacCamp 2011

Upper Keys Macintosh User Group: iPads and More

The Upper Keys Mac User Group will hold an audience participation meeting on the iPad on Thursday, April 14 at 7pm, at the Key Largo Library Community Room. The new iPad is out, and several members have them and will be bringing them to show. Learn about  iPad users’ favorite apps and tricks. If you are still thinking about getting one,  come and learn all about this great new tablet  from Apple!

Visit the Upper Keys Macintosh User Group.

Thanks to Ambassador Sue Beal for this fun tip!)

Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus: Mid-Atlantic User Group Tour

Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus, Houston Chronicle Technology Columnist, Mac Observer iReviews Editor,  author of nearly 60 books and one of the world’s leading experts on the Mac OS, will visit three MUGs in the Mid-Atlantic USA on May 9-15.

He will begin his tour at the Princeton Macintosh Users Group (PMUG), followed by the Hershey Apple Core, and then to the Main Line Macintosh Users Group (MLMUG). This will be his 10th visit to MLMUG, and his visits are one of the highlights of the user group calendar.

Be there!

May 14 – MLMUG

May 10 – Princeton Macintosh Users Group

Hershey Apple Core -no date listed

(Thanks to Maria O. Arguello, Apple User Group Regional Liaison for this great list!)

RL Graeme Moffatt: Christchurch Earthquake Relief

Regional Liaison Graeme Moffatt reports that pipers and drummers from across New Zealand joined for a charity concert in support of earthquake relief in Christchurch. As part of the fundraiser, the group is selling DVDs of the concert via the web. Their PAL format disks will, of course, play well on your Mac. It is wonderful to see groups and members across the globe join together to help others in New Zealand, Japan, and where there are folk in need.

(Thanks to Apple User Group Regional Liaison Graeme Moffatt for this tip!)

NCMUG: Suppporting Relief Efforts in Japan

On March 24, the officers of the North Coast Macintosh  Users Group of California (NCMUG) voted to support  Japanese relief efforts by donating $500 to the Red Cross. In addition, the group sent out a mailing reminding others that donations can be made via iTunes and Google for those willing to join them in support. Kudos to the officers of NCMUG for this excellent reminder that we all share a single world.

(Thanks to President Lorene Romero and board member Amanda Lee Pearson for this tip!)

SF Cutters: 11 Years and SuperMeet Plans

On March 16, the officers and members of SF Cutters will celebrate their 11th anniversary with a bash at Adobe Systems, San Francisco, including beer, pizza, anniversary cake, top-name speakers and a bountiful raffle. Not content to rest on their laurels, the group is already gearing up for the Las Vegas SuperMeet, planned for April 12 during NAB. Add in their $100 discount on Post Production World tickets, and SF Cutters shows that it IS possible to offer something for every taste. Wow!

SF Cutters

They put the super in SuperMeets

PDXFCPUG: Ken Webster, Paul Sosso and More

The members of the Portland Final Cut Pro User Group (PDXFCPUG) hosted Ken Webster, of Innervoice Studios, as he presents an overview of the general workflow that supports creating good audio in most video or film projects. He will explore pre-production, production and post-production sound and highlight best practices in each of the above categories.  Ken will finish with an overview of music and foley and the role they play in the final stages of post production. Add in tips from Paul Sosso, a Show/Tell session and a raffle, and this event is a winner.

Check out PDXFCPUG.

(Thanks to Rebecca Gerendasy for this tip!)

Open Apple Podcast: Keeping the KansasFest Spirit Alive

Mike Maginnis and Ken Gagne, two long-time Apple II users,  recently announced the Apple II community’s first co-hosted podcast. “Open Apple” is a monthly show dedicated to Steve Wozniak’s most famous personal computer. “When we got home from KansasFest 2010, we didn’t want the experience to end,” said Gagne in the show’s first episode, referring to the annual Apple II convention. Added Maginnis, “One of the great things about the Apple II is the community that surrounds it. Having a podcast where we can chat with other Apple II users fosters that community feeling you get at events like KansasFest.” In keeping with that theme, the two co-hosts are joined in their first episode by KansasFest veteran Andy Molloy, the first of many guests to appear on Open Apple.

Listen in.

Trenton Computer Festival: 26 Years Strong

User group members are invited to the 36th annual Trenton Computer Festival (TCF), the oldest computer festival in the world, scheduled for April 2-3, 2011 at The College of New Jersey in Ewing, New Jersey.

TCF is not just another computer show. It was started by (and is still run by) computer hobbyist volunteers as a non-profit educational event. Attendees can enjoy workshops, the ever-popular flea market, commercial exhibits, opportunities to meet and socialize,  special exhibits, contests and more.

Check it out!

PMUG Hosts MacCamp Spring 2011: April 15-17

Twice each year the Portland Macintosh Users Group (PMUG) provides a weekend of friendship, learning and group renewal in the beauty and tranquility of Silver Falls State Park (Oregon). Run as a not-for-profit event, PMUG uses any funds earned to make the next MacCamp even better. President Charles DeVore and PMUG members deserve thanks for providing this wonderful continuing resource to their group members and the user group community.

Visit the Portland Macintosh Users Group:

Check out MacCamp 2011


NCMUG: Derrick Story Presents

On March 15, the North Coast Mac Users Group will host Derrick Story, author, digital photographer and member of the conference faculty for Macworld. Derrick will be talking about the new iPhoto ’11.  He is known for his expertise, so this is an event to enjoy! Can’t be there? Check out The Digital Story, Derrick’s virtual camera club and weekly podcast,  open to all photography enthusiasts.

See what NCMUG is doing.

Visit The Digital Story

User Group Archives