All of us on the Advisory Board, the International Regional Liaison Team, the Apple User Group Support Team, and Pro and Online Groups would like to say a heartfelt thank you for a wonderful 2015. Each month has brought fun ideas, member support services, and great vendor discounts. When Rick ran our Google Analytics recently, the news was amazing, with close to 100,000 unique Pageviews across 97 countries, representing 70 languages.
We’d love to hear from you: what would you like to see in the year ahead? Are there how-tos that you would like covered? DOMs? Ready-to-go presentations from Apple Sales Web (ASW) and ASTO? Do you have a clever presentation or interesting service project that you would like featured? Need ambassador help? Let us know what you would like to see.
2016: New Adventures and New Tech…. Who could ask for more?